Wow Sailor - Happy Fear - DUGNAD REC


Ranging from sanguine emotional clarity to distortion and unrest, Wow Sailor voyages through

sunlight and storms in this mindful and explorative album. Happy Fear is an intricate tapestry of

emotional experience, where fear and joy clash heads in the pursuit of self-understanding.

Scattered field recordings of literature, ambiance and chance encounters provide atmospheric

depth to enrich a resonant and meditative soundscape.

Album summary:

This tale begins with fond yet powerful nostalgia, before segueing into a range of hybrid

instrumental explorations in which guitar, voice, violin, and trumpet blossom alongside refined

electronic foundations. The album closes off with indulgent melancholia reminiscent of the

opening, providing lifelike circularity to the album.

All songs remain connected; one leading into another without pause or silence. This urges the

listener to digest the work in a single sitting as elements of the story seem intrinsically


The first half is studded with gems of atmospheric conversation and recordings, providing a

living and textured environment for the crafted synthetic sounds of Wow Sailor to evolve. Most

songs are free from percussive structures, but In Her Gaze breaks the mold with clear

percussive dictate. The middle and latter titles are connected by ominous frequencies that err

on the darker side of curiosity - encouraging exploration into the transformative power of fear.

All in all, the work glimmers with spontaneity and diversity that resembles real-life experience.

Carefully crafted sonic interplays bare semblance to the fluctuating emotional life of the ever

sensitive and sentient human being.

Final words:

Dugnad Rec sits at the helm of yet another wonderfully creative and philosophical work. This

release gives verity to the artistic integrity, sound design, and mental exploration of the label.

Wow Sailor’s work radiates an enticing, authentic, and indelible mark of individuality.